Arden Kierce

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23, NLT

Arden Kierce is a longtime student of Christianity and the Bible, who writes to share this knowledge with others in a way that is easy to understand, while pointing to Jesus Christ as the only hope of eternal life for all people.
Arden Kierce is a longtime student of Christianity and the Bible, who writes to share this knowledge with others in a way that is easy to understand, while pointing to Jesus Christ as the only hope of eternal life for all people.


[Why Study the End Times?: The Relevance of the Rapture, Tribulation, Final Judgment, and Heaven for Christians' Lives Right Now]

Why Study the End Times?

The Relevance of the Rapture, Tribulation, Final Judgment, and Heaven for Christians' Lives Right Now
Available At Amazon

What the Bible teaches about the end times is often seen as unnecessary for the average Christian to know, and so it is rarely preached about or taught in churches today.

At best, subjects like the pre-Tribulation Rapture, seven-year Tribulation, final judgment, and details about the afterlife are treated as somewhat obscure and specialized theological interests. At worst, these topics may be labelled as controversial, scary, or depressing. As a result, the Book of Revelation is perhaps one of the most-ignored books in the entire Bible.

Yet, if Christians understand what the Bible says about the end times, final judgment, and heaven, it will greatly benefit their spiritual lives right now. This is true even for Christians who put their faith in Jesus before the Rapture occurs, and thus will not be among those who will experience all the terrible events of the Tribulation.

In clear, easy-to-understand language, this book explains how Christians who understand and take to heart what the Bible teaches about these topics will:

  • Know for sure that they will have eternal life.
  • Be ready to meet Jesus at any moment.
  • Patiently endure physical suffering.
  • Earn heavenly rewards that last forever.
  • Resist the temptations of materialism.
  • Have the courage to obey God at all costs.
  • Be motivated to study the Bible for themselves.
  • Put money in its proper place among their values.
  • Develop spiritual practices to help hold onto their faith.
  • Increase their motivation to share the gospel.
  • Know the times they live in, and gain the insight to act wisely in the present.

Therefore, studying the end times should be considered as essential for all Christians who care about improving their spiritual lives both now and for eternity.

[A Detailed Biblical Introduction To The End Times: The Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Seven-Year Tribulation, and Pre-Millennial Return of Jesus Christ]

A Detailed Biblical Introduction To The End Times

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Seven-Year Tribulation, and Pre-Millennial Return of Jesus Christ
Available At Amazon

One of the most controversial topics within Christianity is what the Bible teaches about the end times—also called the last days, the Tribulation, and the time of Jacob’s trouble. As a result, the Bible’s teachings about the end times can appear to be confusing and unclear, even to Christian pastors and theologians.

Yet as Christians look at events occurring in the world today, the end times are becoming an increasingly relevant topic. Many people are now asking questions like:

  • What does the Bible say the end times will be like?
  • What are the signs that Jesus is about to return to Earth?
  • What is the Rapture, and when will it happen?
  • What do all of the judgments and symbolism in the Book of Revelation actually mean?
  • Who is the Antichrist, and what is the infamous Mark of the Beast?
  • Why will it be such a terrible thing to take the Mark of the Beast?

This detailed introduction will clearly answer all of the above questions in an easy-to-read style. It is intended to be understandable to the average Christian, as well as to those who may not be familiar with Christianity.

To equip you for further study of this topic, this book will introduce the terminology that is often used by Bible prophecy experts when discussing the end times. References to Scripture are also provided throughout this book, to enable deeper personal study of the Bible.

However, what is most important is what the end times mean for people who are alive today, and for those who will have to endure through the terrible seven-year Tribulation.

This book thus serves as a guide to what the Bible teaches will happen in the future, and it also explores how you can make your eternal future secure by putting your faith in Jesus Christ now.

[Heresies About Jesus Christ: A Short Historical Overview]

Heresies About Jesus Christ

A Short Historical Overview
Available At Amazon

Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of devotion and obedience for billions of Christians worldwide.

But what do Christians claim about Jesus and his relationship to God? Is Jesus really divine and equal to God the Father? Or was he only a wise human prophet or teacher? How could Jesus be both human and divine at the same time? Did he only appear to be human? Was he a human with a divine mind?

These were some of the earliest theological questions that the Christian church attempted to answer. Passionate debates arose over what Christians should say about Jesus, which shaped the church’s earliest creeds and statements of faith. Yet these statements also raised new challenges and further debates

This short, easy-to-understand overview introduces you to the first seven hundred years of Christian debates about who Jesus was and how he should be spoken of by Christians. Along the way you will learn why these debates occurred, and why the church felt that some ideas about Jesus had to be called heretical.


Don’t Let Scoffers and Date-Setters Steal Your Crown
The Blessings of Studying the End Times
Was It Aliens, or Was It The Rapture?
Do Things Have to Get Worse Before the Rapture?
Sowing Seeds Now for an After-Rapture Harvest